Snails and oysters

‘…aaand, what did YOU do?’.

How is it that I can miss Himself SO much when he has to be in London for a few days yet be okay with that because I do get SO much done ’round here when he’s away? The answers, as with most things in life, can be found in really good movies.

I was going to watch my USA DVD of the restored Spartacus tonight in bed on the laptop (which we have set up to play USA region DVDs) but lo and behold it is on Sky Classics for me this rainy afternoon. It’s followed by The Adventures of Robin Hood — best sword fighting scene in all movie-dom, though having said that it does show how much better Basil was than Errol. (Second best? Princess Bride, natch. ‘I’m not really left-handed’.). You could best describe me this early evening as a lonely piggie in slop.

‘There’s a time for fighting and a time for singing. Sing, Antoninus’.

About iwom

American by birth, Irish by heritage, Scottish by marriage. Housewife.
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